Pharma brand TV ads should die a quick death

Unlike consumer-goods branding, healthcare branding is not a celebration of self. People don’t engage with healthcare brands to shape their identity. “Look, I got a new Dior bag…a new BMW…a cool brand of beer.” Healthcare branding is a protection of self, helping to restore aspects of one’s identity lost to […] keep reading

Medical marijuana, depression and epilepsy: Parry Branding Group wins big at Graphic Design USA awards

What do medical marijuana, depression and epilepsy have to do with great design?  Graphic Design USA says it’s Parry Branding Group (PBG).  At their first open call for design in the healthcare space–a much overlooked category–Graphic Design USA awarded PBG five top awards.  Three came for PBG’s ground-breaking work in […] keep reading

John McCain’s Disease: the potential for celebrity brand identity for glioblastoma

In my book, Identity Crisis: Healthcare Branding’s Hidden Problems and Proven Strategies to Solve Them, I have a chapter that outlines the discipline of creating brand identities for diseases. The benefits are many: greater public awareness, greater community support, the potential for enlightening dialogue, enhanced funding for research and insurance […] keep reading

Booze and beauty: what healthcare branding can learn from the spirits and cosmetic industries

While giving a talk promoting my forthcoming book—specifically decrying the use of consumer branding protocols to create healthcare product and service identities—I received a thoughtful question from the audience that deserves a good answer: Isn’t there anything to be gleaned from consumer brands that could be co-opted to help deliver […] keep reading

The doctor has no clothes: why do we pretend that physicians are impervious to making emotional brand choices?

An insidious myth persists even today in healthcare branding that healthcare professionals (HCPs) are emotionally detached from the brands they prescribe for their patients, relying solely on data and research to formulate their decisions.  However, experience—and data!—show that physician brand loyalty often depends upon how the brands reinforce the doctor’s […] keep reading