In praise of Big Pharma

With Trump vowing to bring down drug prices, ignoring the very reason they are so high in the first place (hint: it’s capitalism), and another rogue company trying to push opioids to doctors abusing the very legitimate tactic of speakers bureaus to influence physicians, I thought it time to provide […] keep reading

The identity crisis of the primary care doctor

Death of a Salesman is a fundamental American tragedy; a cautionary tale about the slow-motion fall from the heights of a profession that itself is sinking. It chronicles an identity crisis, a person’s inability to accept change within one’s self and society. Such is the case, these days, with the fallen […] keep reading

Brand architecture: 5 principles for success

Sooner or later (sooner is much better), companies face the vital need to manage their Brand Architecture: the relative relationship between corporate, franchise and product/service brands. Brand Architecture could be a long story in and of itself (it occupies a chapter in my book, Identity Crisis). Suffice it to say […] keep reading

How to brand a disease or medical condition

Branding a medical condition? Isn’t that the Devil’s work? Isn’t it just one more way that the pharma, biotech and device industries fool people into spending more money on their products by inventing fictional conditions? Let me tell you why this is nonsense. We’ve written in the past about disease […] keep reading

5 ways service branding differs from product branding

Many services make big mistakes when they attempt to brand themselves, especially when they try to impose product-branding protocols on their identities. We’ve written in the past about  How to think about branding healthcare services. While the branding process is the same—discovery insights about customers and completion, brand strategy development, […] keep reading